Questions & Answers

Remote start does not work on Altima 2012

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I'm having a strange issue with my EVO-NIS1 remote starter, I initially installed the kit without connecting the parking light wire, the remote starter worked well for 2 days. I woke up in the morning and the car battery was dead, I jumped the car but the remote starter stopped working, I checked the wiring and everything seemed fine, i reprogrammed the EVO with the flash link and reconnected the wires and did the programming as I did initially. The problem that I faced is not seeing any red or blue lights, It got stuck at the steady yellow (step 4). the car still works fine but without the remote starter which is still installed, the only time the remote start worked is when i was in the car already. I went back to connect the parking light and tried to program it again but i still got stuck at the steady yellow light. I don't know what to do to get passed step 4. Please help. Thanks.
posté Jan 25, 2017 dans la catégorie FAQ par amine harir (210 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the service number to the module?
répondu Jan 25, 2017 par derek g (359,100 points)
Service number is 001A06679940
Remove tha parking light connection and test the wire you hooked up to in the vehicle. Tell me what polarity the wire is and what wire you used on the evo to connect to it.
I'll check that but i doubt it's cause since it worked before without the parking light splice and i remember the wire was the brown from the kit to the red/blue which is in the center
I checked the voltage on the parking light wire (red/blue) it was 0 V with lights off and about 12V with the lights on, it seems normal, I'm not sure if the device is deffective or if it's something that I'm missing.
What wire from the evo did you use?
I used the brown wire.
What part of step 4 can you not get past? pressing the button twice? Or is it that the yellow led never comes on solid?
I connect all the wire, i press the button twice, it gets me to the solid yellow but once i press and release the push button, nothing happens. it stays yellow
Are you inserting the key into the keyport before doing any of this?

At that step we are verifying the rx tx which is the key in the key port.
Yes the key is inserted before i start the programming process
Ensure the remote is making a "cllick" when you insert it into the key port.

Also make sure none of the pins or connectors are loose.

As i said at that point we are verifying the key data at the key port.
This thing is driving me crazy because i checked all connections and it always gets stuck at step 4 with the steady yellow on. I'm thinking about completely disconnecting the EVO and restart from the beginning.

That may be worth a shot.

If you have a FLU perhaps try a master reset and then try to re program the unit.

Heres the reset procedure:

Dont forget to re enable to options after the reset.

If that still doesnt work...give us a shout we are here to help!

Toll Free: 1-877-336-7797

I did the master reset with the re-programming but still no success, my last resolution is redo everything from scratch, thanks a lot for your support