Questions & Answers

No Start

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EVO-NIST1 with the t harness all connected properly at the key port connector the ODBII connector and the brake pedal connector. EVO loaded with the latest firmware and programmed per the instructions and did get the flashing blue, yellow and red lights. I even added the REVO RF remote but when it comes time to remote start the car nothing. After pressing lock lock lock I see the EVO blue light coming one. Then the EVO does its cycle to red light and I get the brake light confirmations but no start. The dashboard does not even come on and I swapped between RL1 and RL2.
posté Sept 16, 2018 dans la catégorie Nissan par Shawn Lewis2 (130 points)

1 Réponse

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The 2008 altima doesn't do one remote monitoring based on the guide I looked at.
répondu Sept 16, 2018 par Mike M (9,800 points)