Questions & Answers

Does? Evostart LTE disable gps when car is off?

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Hi does the EVOStart lte disable gps when the vehicle is off? I noticed in the app when the vehicle is running the gps symbol in the app is red meaning active.  When I park the car and check the app like 10 minutes later I noticed the GPS symbol is black meaning no signal/off. Is that normal or is it a power saving feature when the vehicle is off and periodically checks gps every so often? Or is it off the entire time the vehicle is turned off?
posté Oct 1, 2024 dans la catégorie Remote Starters par Dariusd84 (280 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

The gps of the evo start lte pings the unit as follows:

- engine off checks every 2 hours.

- engine on check roughly every 3 minutes.

Best regards.
répondu Oct 2, 2024 par derek g (359,100 points)