Questions & Answers

Flashlink 4 keeps stating that EVO-ONE is not connected when trying to flash

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I have an EVO-ONE for my 2016 Mazda CX-9 PTS. I got everything synced and was getting the blue lights when clicking lock-lock-lock but the truck wouldn't start. I called tech support and they said to re-flash the module. When I tried this, it removed the firmware and now won't load any gets to 23-31% and then gives me the error "THE MODULE IS NOT CONNECTED TO THE FLASHLINK". I have tried 2 different computers, 3 different USBs on each, and even bought another FlashLink assuming that was the issue with still the same effect. About to give up on this so please help me.


UPDATE: Just tried loading 1.23 instead to see if it behaved any differently and got the same result. Tried 1.24 one more time and now got notice that "DEVICE FLASH LIMIT REACHED".


RRRRGGGGHHH,,,getting ver frustrated.
asked Jan 19, 2020 in Mazda by David Srugis (130 points)
edited Jan 19, 2020 by David Srugis

1 Answer

0 votes
Please contact us when you are at the PC so we can go through the steps at the PC with you.




8-6 Est.
answered Jan 21, 2020 by derek g (359,100 points)