Questions & Answers

Corolla 2005 guide#84861 advice to install 79(65) min firmware, Flash link advice to install 79(59)

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Corolla 2005  guide#84861 advice to install 79(65) min firmware, Flash link  advice to install 79(59).

What firmware I need to install?

Would you able to describe for me 32.3(Dk blue (GWR) shut down after ) ?How it works?

I have just one dark blue wire A8 from evo-one  for the driver door pin.

Is it mandatory to connect this wire? Thank you.
asked Nov 15 in Toyota by Pavlo (130 points)

1 Answer

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For a vehicle of this age flash firmware 79.59.

The drk blue a8 connection is for auto light shut down, it turns off the auto light after the vehicle times out.

Best regards.
answered Nov 15 by derek g (346,390 points)