Questions & Answers

Which locks should I have on or off on Evo-All?

0 votes
I am using the D1.1 Lock-Unlock-Lock option on a 2014 Nissan Maxima PTS, OEM key fob. I have turned ON: A1; D2; and D5. Do all these need to be on? I want to avoid unnecessay locking/unlocking. Also, truck does not open from key fob when remote start is on. When I open the truck via request button on trunk the car shut-off, which it's supposed to do. I don't understand why the key fob won't do it while remote started. If the car is off the key fob trunk button works. Thank you.
asked Apr 14, 2018 in Nissan by ronaldgora (430 points)
edited Apr 14, 2018 by ronaldgora

1 Answer

0 votes
If you are doing a stand alone installation you should have the following options ON:

A1 through A11.

C1, D1, D1.1 or D1.10 and D2 IF the vehicle has an oem alarm.


Please configure the module like this and re test and let me know if it works.
answered Apr 16, 2018 by derek g (358,230 points)