Questions & Answers

Cranks but no start, "Clutch" and "No Key" displayed in cluster, PDL inop

0 votes
Key is wrapped with 7 loops per diagram, all wiring double checked good. Veh goes into Ready Mode and shuts off with door closed. When remote start attempted ign comes on, cluster displays "clutch" then "no key" engine cranks but no start. Horn cycles and park lamps flash due to alarm triggered. Also, the power door locks are inop with the remote start fob. Park lamps respond accordingly when lock and unlock pressed but no PDL operation. Do I have to increase the Lock and Unlock pulse time in order to disarm the factory alarm which may also correct the inop PDL? Clutch bypass circuit wired correctly so not sure what's going on there and key wrapped and wired per the diagram so unsure of this issue. This is not a Push to Start veh.
asked Oct 16, 2016 in Volkswagen by Michael Mowat (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If the vehicle is displaying a "NO KEY DETECTED" message this is indicating that there is an issue with the key wrap.

If you put the key in the ignition barrel does the vehicle remote start?
answered Oct 18, 2016 by derek g (357,580 points)
I'm afraid that I've really botched something with the module... I connected it to the flashlink numerous times last night changing settings back and forth and now I have nothing, no led's no nothing. I think I must have changed a setting on the remote start side that screwed it up and just can't figure it out. Any reset proceedure for both the by-pass and r/s sides of the EVO-ONE that at least will get me back to square one? I'm hoping that I haven't crippled the module.