Questions & Answers

Remote start needs to be enabled on a 2008 Focus?

0 votes
Looking into doing an install on a 2008 Focus.  Came across this thread:!-However-the-heater-fan-does-not-run-untill-the-key-is-turned-on./

Wondering if one of the Fortin guys can verify if Forscan is needed or not.  Haven't come across this before.
asked Dec 30, 2023 in Ford by Joshua Swenson (1,660 points)
reopened Dec 30, 2023 by Joshua Swenson

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

No it is not needed.


On this vehicle the ign and accessory circuits are powered so the heater controls will work when remote started.


Best regards.
answered Dec 30, 2023 by derek g (334,350 points)
selected Dec 30, 2023 by Joshua Swenson