Questions & Answers

XL202 option not showing in unit options for evo-one in flashlink

0 votes
I am looking to get a viper remote/antenna, with an XL202, but before doing that i went to make sure I could configure my evo-one properly. Problem is, it appears that I can't.

here is what i see when i open the unit options. There should be an XL202 option next to fortin 2


here is module info: (btw could a staff member reset the flash limit on the remote starter, i tried different firmware versions to see if the option would unlock)


firmware update version


flashlink version 4.51


2019 kia forte standard key
asked May 2, 2021 in FAQ by Alice Knag (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Flash the remote starter for version 1.18. Once flash is complete, disconnect the evo and then re connect it to the flash link updater.

Next go to conffiguration>unit options then check XL202, click save icon in upper left hand corner and wait for window to dis appear on its own.


Once done go ahead and update the rs back to 1.25.
answered May 3, 2021 by derek g (359,350 points)
Hi Derek,

I'm about to do what you mentioned above as I want to use my XL202 but for some reason it wont alow me to click the version 1.18 (not clickable) is there any other way to make the XL202 appear? I tried lower vesion but unfortunately wont appear and my EVO ONE end up 6 out 8 limit flash left.


I'm Installling this  evo-one to my Ford Explorer 2013 AutoTrans standard key

Bypass Firmware 71.[52] loaded

Remote firmware 1.25 loaded

my EVO ONE sn # 002B04254509   Dated December 2021

After you flash a lower version try 1.16, be sure to first unplug the evo, then unplug the flasher, close and re open the program, then re connect the flasher and re connect the evo, then go check under configuration, xl202 should appear.

Hi Derek, 

Thanks for the fast response.

I'm about to follow your instruction but I noticed that I am only allowed to flash version 0.71,  1.20,  1.21,  1.24, and 1.25 , the rest are not clickable anymore.

I want to make sure at this time as I am only 2 remote flash limit left.


Even if they are grey you are still able to flash them.

I can always reset your flash limit if you hit it.
Finally XL202 appears back as I follow your instruction but seems like I screwed up on saving the configuration as it still doesnt work. Can you please reset back my remote flash to 4/8 or at least 6/8.?

I'll make sure this time to do it right and if still wont work then I'll use my back up RFkits 642w.

I have reset the remote start flash limit for you.
All works fine now. Thank you!