Questions & Answers

2018 Jeep Patriot Push to start auto remote start wont shut off passive error

0 votes
I installed an all evo all in a 2018 jeep patriot push to start auto trans. Evo sn# 001a07 068469. Installed using sugested settings and current firmware that shows up in the desktop software. Vehicle starts fine with oem 3 lock but will not shut off with the oem 3 lock or after it should time out. Foot brake also does not seem to have any effect.  Tried a reboot to factory and relearn security. Also occasionally getting a "service passive entry" on the dash.
posté Mar 16, 2020 dans la catégorie Jeep par shawn debruin (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
We do not list a 2018 jeep patriot. The module is set up for a 2018 renegade.

3x lock shouldn't even work as the module above is set for Lock-Unlock-Lock.


Also I see the module was initially installed in nov of 2019 using firmware 4.10? Was the remote not working with that version either?
répondu Mar 16, 2020 par derek g (359,100 points)
Appologies yes I installed it in a Renegade not a patriot sorry. When I sent you this email I was making an invoice for patriot and typed in patriot by mistake. Original install was after 5pm so I couldnt call tech support if memory serves.  The lock lock lock is how it was set then. I currently have it set after yesterday for the lock unlock lock as the 3 lock seems to not always work and confuses the vehicle if not done slowly. According to the customer it hasnt worked right since they got it back nov. It would start and run but wouldnt shut off on its own after 15min or with the 3 lock at the fob. He didnt want to bring it back as they were getting by with it. It needed other service work so we had a chance to take another look at it yesterday. The description I sent is what its currently doing.
Well at that point your gonna need to schedual the vehicle during buisness hours and give us a ring.



