Questions & Answers


0 votes
Can't find anything on the guide for the connection between the EVO-ONE and the trunk release wire. Which wire for the evo-one is used for the trunk release. The guide for the vehicle does indicate trunk open is supported. The guide only goes through connecting the unlock, lock, horn and parking light. When I hit the open trunk button on my remote (while the car is turned on via remote start) the parking lights simply blink and the trunk does not open.
posté Mar 11, 2020 dans la catégorie Acura par Abhiraam Kananathalingam (280 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
If you start the vehicle with the key are you able to pop the trunk using the OEM remote?
répondu Mar 11, 2020 par derek g (359,100 points)
When the key is in the ignition and car is running I am not able to open the trunk via the OEM remote. Therefore would this only be supported if I buy the third party RF remotes? Is there any extra wiring that has to be done to support the trunk release when the car is started?
Yes you would need an rf kit.

If it didnt work via data from rf kit, you would use the aux output and wire it to the vehicle.