Questions & Answers

Evo-All sending ignition on thru data to external remote start/alarm, 2006 Silverado 2500HD

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I have installed an Evo-All with Crimestopper SP-502 alarm/remote start system and the Evo-all is sending a continuous ignition on thru data signal to the SP-502 unit.  This is verified by the key icon on the alarm remote and also the trouble code on the SP-502 when trying to remote start the vehicle.  The Evo-All is programmed with firmware version 70.18.  The wires are connected per guide number 61111 with the exception for trunk release (A13) which is N/A and Hood Status (A15) which is also N/A for this vehicle.  The Evo-All is programmed per guide number 61111.  The wiring from the Crimestopper SP-502 was connected to the Evo-All as per guide number 61111 and the remaining wires on the SP-502 were installed per the SP-502 installation manual.

The doors lock and unlock, but the continuous ignition through data from the Evo-All is preventing the SP-502 from setting the alarm, or remote starting the vehicle.  I have verified each wire connected is correct per the manuals and wirecolor, vehicle specific instructions.  What issues would cause a continuous "ignition on through data" signal from the Evo-All?

Thanks in advance for your help!
posté Fev 3, 2020 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Alek Ipatenco (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Is the yellow led on? Evo sends ignition when it reads ignition on yellow wire. The yellow led will be on at that point.


The only other time ignition would fault via datalink is when datalink protocols would not be setup correctly between evo and rs/alarm. Ignition ON and parking light ON are very similar between the various protocols.


If you connected all the dotted lines in the guide, just cut datalink out (the blue and white wires of the datallink cable).
répondu Fev 3, 2020 par Robert T (305,010 points)
Robb, Thank you for the intormation.  The yellow LED was off which is what was confusing (I know yellow means the ignition is on).  To your point, there must have been some confusion in the SP-502 with the datalink connection.  I cut the datalink out of the loop and wired the red and black to vehicle power and that solved my issues (cutting the blue and white would have been easier, but I wanted to remove the variable completely).  The system is now working.  

Thanks again!