Questions & Answers

why is a sacrifice key required for 2012-2015 vw standard key installation?

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im looking to install the evo-one system with the THAR-vw3 and its showing a sacrifice key wraped to complete the installation... im confused as to what the function is, as i thought the modual would learn and act as a transponder for the key. is there a way around this with a more direct fit system?
posté Dec 18, 2019 dans la catégorie Volkswagen par jeremy vermeulen (670 points)

1 Réponse

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Think you might be looking at the wrong guide. There are two guides, one with key wrap, one without. The no key wrap requires the TB-VW as well. 

(am assuming it's a beetle)


Guide with TB-VW (no key required):

répondu Dec 18, 2019 par Robert T (305,010 points)
élue Jan 6, 2021 par jeremy vermeulen