Questions & Answers

2012 Ford Fusion I want to hook up parking lights

0 votes
I have the EVO ALL and want to hook up parkng light on my 12 Ford Fusion.  I see the latest diagram shows a relay.  Is that relay alrready in the car or do I add that relay and 10 amp fuse to make this work.  Not clear and this did not come with my kit.
posté Juil 30, 2019 dans la catégorie Ford par Dave Krolewski (300 points)

1 Réponse

+2 votes
Meilleure réponse
You need to purchase it separately and add it yourself.
répondu Juil 30, 2019 par Mike M (9,800 points)
élue Juil 31, 2019 par Robert T
Thank you.
So I was looking at relay kits with in line fuse.  The wire with the EVO is 22 or 24 guage.  should I be using the same size or is it ok to have heavier gauge wire?