Questions & Answers

EVO-Chrt5 connected to Crimestopper RS7-G5 via DataLink

0 votes
Already have a successful install of the Evo-Chrt5 (option C) and programmed oem key (3x lock)...vehicle starts fine. Now I'm integrating the Crimestopper RS7-G5 unit (via DataLink) and was wondering if there's any tested true and tried specific diagram-flowchart manual for these two units anywhere...or somebody on here can help point me towards the right path. Thank you for time and consideration in advance.
posté Juil 6, 2019 dans la catégorie Jeep par Marvin Gerald (250 points)
modifié Juil 6, 2019 par Marvin Gerald

2 Réponses

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Meilleure réponse

So your converting your Stand Alone installation into a Regular installation.


Guide 63651 is the regular installation guide.:


Ignore all the dotted lines if your using datalink.



répondu Juil 23, 2019 par Robert T (304,910 points)
élue Juil 23, 2019 par Marvin Gerald
Yes, I'd figured just as much but at least I'm totally encouraged by your somewhat divulging elaboration beyond the "outta the box" and or "turn-key" basics. So thank you again Rob for your time and consideration plus appreciations to Mike also.
Proper guide number is 63871 for installation with T-harness.

The only extra connection from your Crimestopper is power, ground and ignition.

Datalink is a simple cable that goes between both units.

In both units you can change the datalink protocol. Use either Fortin/SL or OFA/ADS. Make sure both units are set to the same protocol. In the EVO, this is under the Datalink Protocol section of the options menu. In the Crimestopper, refer to their installation guide on how to change datalink protocols of their unit.


Since you are changing to a regular type install.. Option D1 - Stand Alone Remote Starter, should be turned OFF.
where is Guide 63651? link unworking
0 votes
Use Guide # 63651
répondu Juil 7, 2019 par Mike M (9,800 points)
Ok thanks but no thanks on this answer as I've studied User guide # 63651 and numerous others and it seems to not be a comperhensive, concise and clear-cut documented configuration of the Crimestopper Rs-7 G5 to Evo-Chrt5 combo. I'm literally slowly figuring out on my own how to interconnect the two units together via Data link (because I prefer minimum wire-splicing.