Questions & Answers

Evo one with DEI DSM 550

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I installed an EVO one a month ago, works fine, adding a DEI 550 to it because of the limited range using the factory remotes. I am in the US so I couldn't use the Fortin cellular start. I changed the firmware to.83 for the dei550 and changed it over to xl-202 and saved it but after I installed the 550 No green LED coming on the DSM 550.... I bought the data link connector, its hooked up, got a solid amber and solid white but no green communication to Evo one LED??? Is this normal??? Also my RFAXL202 harness adapter wires don't match up the same as the installation illustration pictures.... the pictures show the wire order on the blue plug as RED, BLACK, BLUE, WHITE and the blue plug order on the adapter I purchased is RED, BLACK, WHITE, BLUE??? which is correct.... all the other wires match up just as they are in the installation instructions.
posté Juil 6, 2019 dans la catégorie Lincoln par Jason27028 (230 points)
modifié Juil 7, 2019 par Jason27028

1 Réponse

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This guide has color pictures on page 4 showing the pin out, wire color and connection. 

répondu Juil 8, 2019 par derek g (359,100 points)