Questions & Answers

Module has no lights, unplug it all, plug factory harness back, truck doesn’t start.

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Installed system yesterday on 2011 Chevy Express. Worked when the dash was apart. Tucked it all out of the way and reinstalled lower dash. Then it wouldn’t start. Look at the module and no lights appear. Tried with the key and nothing. Took it all out and replugged the factory harnesses on the ignition switch. Tried with key again and still nothing. Doesn’t crank. Fuel pump primes. Checked fuse box and all fuses are ok. What did this short out?? Desperation as this is my work truck. Please help.
posté Juil 4, 2019 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Dimitrios Spanoudakis (180 points)

1 Réponse

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Meilleure réponse
check the dlis fuse.
répondu Juil 4, 2019 par derek g (359,100 points)
élue Juil 5, 2019 par derek g
Would it be labeled as DLIS? What does that stand for?
Discrete Logic Ignition System


Yes it should be labelled that I think.


Fuse #22 in the interior fuse block.
That was the issue! Thank you very much!!