Questions & Answers

key fob inop with engine running

0 votes
i have a 2019 kia sorento with the evo 1 and RF kit RF642W.  the remote start works correctly although i did have to wire A1 yellow wire to ignition in order to get the evo1 to program.  my question is the factory key fob does not function once the vechicle is running so i have to unlock the door manually.  the other question is the unlock and lock functions on the add-on RF fob do not work and to me it looked like it uses the can network for that.  is there any fixes for this?
posté Avr 3, 2019 dans la catégorie Kia par matthew miller2 (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Did you perform the CUT1 & CUT2 connections shown in the guide?

répondu Avr 3, 2019 par derek g (358,230 points)
So are you waiting for more info from me I'm guessing
At this point I would suggest calling into tech support when you have the module, vehicle and time to troubleshoot the issue live on the spot.



8-6 EST

ok well not sure when that would be since i work m-f 8-6
I have two Sorentos with this same issue.  I am looking at one of them next week to troubleshoot but think there is an ignition 2 wire powered up that shouldn't be.  The diagram colors for the ignition switch were not the same as the vehicle and I went with pin position instead.  I will test all the wires at the switch and hopefully find the issue.  Tech support said the module never got the vin number via can bus to program the module with regard to the data door locks (brake shut off is innop as well, had to hard-wire it).

I will post my findings after I work on the vehicle.
Give us a call once you get those cars back