Questions & Answers

2011 toyota sienna, only remote starter only runs 2mins/5mins and sometimes 8 mins only?

0 votes
Hello i installed a compustar remote starter RF2wg15r-fm and the FT7200S-CONT MODULE with evo all bypass- Vehicle only remote start and runs only for sometimes 2mins/3mins/5mins and the longest is 8mins- i try already to set the run time in the compustar module to 25 mins and 45 mins, and it still dooes the same thing- i reprogram the evo all already checked the settings all seems to be ok-  i replaced the compustar module with another unit, still does the same run time- any idea what to do in this concern? thank you-
posté Oct 20, 2018 dans la catégorie Toyota par BENEDICT BREIZ2 (130 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
Try turning on F2 in the evo options.
répondu Oct 21, 2018 par Mike M (9,800 points)
0 votes
run time is not controlled by the evo-all


Disconnect your evo

Stick a key in the ignition barrel

Remote start the vehicle and wait to see how long it stays running.
répondu Oct 22, 2018 par Robert T (301,890 points)