Questions & Answers

Evo One programming key bypass. Does not finish step 4.

+1 vote
I had an Evo One install in my 06 trailblazer. I replaced it, and installed it on an 05 GMC Envoy  XL. I did a master reset on starter and bypass, using recommended updates. When trying to program with the button pressed, I plug in the six pin connector to get to the blue led, I then plug in the remaining connectors. Turn the key to the on position the blue light go out but no other lights come on. If I turn the key back to the off position the blue light return. I'm only using all wires from the 6 pin connector. The data, the park light, the horn, the brake, and the A1 ignition wires off the 25 pin connector. And antenna and valet button connection. All wires have continuity though connector and wires. Tried a spare Evo One that had on hand, got the same results.
posté Avr 21, 2018 dans la catégorie GMC par Carlos Paige (750 points)
modifié Avr 23, 2018 par Carlos Paige

1 Réponse

+3 votes
Meilleure réponse
Try firmware 70.18 and let me know if it programs using that version.
répondu Avr 23, 2018 par derek g (357,480 points)
élue Avr 24, 2018 par Carlos Paige
Ok the bypass programmed. The lock/unlock work, the remote start does not, I press the start button on the RF641W key fob and the park lights flash 4 times, then nothing.

Ok I read through some other questions on here and found out it was in valet mode. pressing - button on remote and lock and unlock at the same time did the trick.

Thanks, Fortin Tech Support is awsome. I have Evo's in all my vehicles and would recommend your products to anyone asking.
Thanks for that answer. I have a 2006 Cadillac CTS and it had the same problem with 70.34. I downgraded to 70.18 and was able to program it. Now if I can only figure out how to add in the Excalibur RF-51-EDP since I have no RF kit compatibility option. :)