Questions & Answers

EVO-ONE remote start on Corolla 2009 auto transmission Ready Mode problem

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i'm installing the EVO-ONE on a Toyota Corolla 2009 with Axxess AX-RF1 rf kit  , after connect all wires and cut the loop wire for automatic transmission then program the EVO-ONE , when program complete i can do remote start once , and then i try again the parking lights flash 3 time because of Ready Mode is disable , so what i have to do to enable the Ready Mode for automatic transmission?
posté Mar 31, 2018 dans la catégorie Toyota par bao dinh (740 points)

1 Réponse

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Did you cut the loop while power & ground was still connected to the evo?


Also what is the service number on the back of the evo-one?
répondu Avr 2, 2018 par derek g (359,100 points)
i cut the loop wire before connect the power & ground , and the service number is 002B01 006840
Was the yellow wire from the 20 pin connector connected to the pink main ignition wire from the evo?
i did connect the yeallow wire on 20 pin connector to ignition wire.
I need you to take amulti meter and check the voltage on each end of the yellow loop you have cut (with the module connected in the vehicle) and tell me what you get.

i bought a new evo-one and replace with the old one and now the remote start is working , i dont have problem with Ready Mode anymore , i think the old one is defective , i also turn on the alarm option , but i dont know which wire on the 20 pin connector use for door trigger input and trunk trigger input , can you help me to findout?

1st page of the generic guide lists those wires
thank you.