Questions & Answers

2015 Mazda CX-5 EVO-MATZ1 red LED after 3x lock press

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Hello, I am installing EVO-MATZ1 on a 2015 CX-5 Touring. I have properly followed guide #62951. I do not have the parking lights hooked up, nor the hood switch via the dark blue wire from the EVO-ALL unit at this time. The CX-5 does not have a hood switch. Once I get the remote start working, I will install the included hood switch. The unit is programmed properly by following the instructions and getting the proper LEDs.

When I hit the lock button 3x, the redlight automatically comes on. Then the yellow light, then they both turn off. It does this again, then the lights stay off. Thats the first problem I have encountered.


The second issue I have is I did a reset by holding the programming button and programming the unit. Now whenI plug in the 4 wire power harness, all 3 LEDs blink. I tried to reprogramit but I am having problems. When I turn on the ignition, I do not get a yellow light on the first key.
posté Jan 14, 2018 dans la catégorie Mazda par Brandon Cleary (1,250 points)

1 Réponse

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If the vehicle does NOT have a hood switch, a wire must be connected in the under hood fusebox.

Look at the yellow square in your programming guide page 6.
répondu Jan 17, 2018 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)