Questions & Answers

2017 Subaru Outback PTS

0 votes
If I install an EVO-one into a 2017 Subaru Outback PTS with a smart start (DSM300), will the OEM remote still work once started?  Will the Door sensor's still work, meaning can I unlock the car by touching the door handle with the oem remote in my pocket?  I really do not want to carry around an after market remote.
posté Juil 26, 2017 dans la catégorie Subaru par Jeff Lance (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
The OEM remotes are not detected during remote start, the proximity button on the door will need to be tested if it remains functional during remote start since there seems to be  differences between US and Canadian models when it comes to OEM remote monitoring.

If your purchase is strictly based on the proximity button on the door remaining functional under remote start, then I would recommend waiting until the OEM remotes and proximity is fully supported and advertised as such on the website.

Thank you,
répondu Juil 27, 2017 par J M (64,270 points)
I'm trying to stay away from carrying an after market remote.  I want to be able to use smartstart to start the car, but still be able to walk up and touch the door handle to unlock.  Really dont want to pull out my phone everytime to unlock the car.


Is there any projected time frame on when the OEM remotes will be fully supported?
Unfortunately, no ETA on that since most of issue we see is south of the border and getting a vehicle with the issue is not easy at the moment.