Questions & Answers

Evo-one 2 way paging

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I have a compustar slice remote kit (2W940R-SS) connected to an evo-one. All remote functions work correctly  including lock/unlock/remote start as well as their respective 2 way confirmations. However, I do not get full paging/alert on remote when the alarm has been set off. Is this set up not capable of this function or is there a setting that I am missing?
posté Juil 25, 2017 dans la catégorie FAQ par tyson kalei (210 points)

2 Réponses

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Question on the actual installation since it is not indicate in the install guide.

Were the door triggers connected?

Are you able to set off the alarm and hear the horn/siren ?


Want to try something? Lower the remote start firmware, not the bypass firmware, to 1.16 and try again (no need to reprogram or anything). Make sure the Flash link is in Connection Mode: Remote Starter before connecting so that you can access the remote start firmware.

répondu Juil 25, 2017 par Robert T (304,910 points)
0 votes
After speaking with compustar it's was confirmed that the "slice" is not capable of "full paging" just 2 way confirmation.
répondu Juil 25, 2017 par tyson kalei (210 points)