Questions & Answers

RF extender for my EVO-FORT1

0 votes
What rf extender part number do I need to purchase for my EVO-FORT1 for my Ford Escape 2008 vehicle? Are there any changes I need to make on the Evo?
posté Juin 13, 2017 dans la catégorie Ford par Robert Seymour (160 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

Depending on the RF kit chosen, the proper rf kit protocol (H1-H6) will need to be enabled in the options tab of the evo while connected to a computer using the Flashlink Updater-2(required and sold separately)

All compatible RF kits are listed here our own line of RF kits obviously will  be 100% compatible with our evo line of modules

répondu Juin 14, 2017 par J M (64,270 points)
Thanks for this. Will the Evo-Start work in Massachusetts/New Hampshire or is the service area only ion Canada?
for coverage please refer to

At this time it would appear as that area is not covered. But check periodically as the netowkr is always growing.