Questions & Answers

Compatibility and functions Renault Megane 3 key-card

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I have a Renault Megane 3 2013 Diesel with key-card (keyless-entry & keyless-go), manual 6+1 gearbox, and I intend to buy the EVO-ALL and Flash Link Updater, with target to start the engine remotely with ready mode 2.
I readed all documentation about your product and looks to be a great product.
Distance betwen my hause and car is about 30m so I can (want) use the OEM remote with 3x press lock button to start/stop the engine.
I don't want to use any RF remote, but I want to use a GSM unit that can provide negative signal / pulse for 3 sec or how much it's necesary, to pin A13 to start/stop the engine when it receive a specific SMS password for start or stop. This GSM module is similar to METRA AXXESS TRIGGER. This is for some situation when I am far from my car.
So my questions is:
It's compatible EVO-ALL with my car ?
Will work the 3x press lock of my OEM remote to start / stop the engine ?
Will affect the instalation and use of EVO-ALL, keyless-entry and keyless-go function 
(cause I use this great function every day)?
Can I activate and use external trigger on pin A13 to start or stop the engine with my GSM unit?
My GSM unit also have a serial port. It's posible to connect and comunicate by serial port with EVO-ALL to start / stop the engine, lock / unlock doors, get status... ?
Like I said, it seems to be a great product, cause I did not found in my country and near, another product with all the characteristics of your product.
I look forward to your response.
Thanks, Angel.
posté Avr 24, 2017 dans la catégorie Other par ANGEL MITITELU (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Since your vehicle is a manual transmission model, there is no way to use the evo-all in standalone mode, you will need a full manual transmission remote starter.

Pin A13 cannot be used to trigger remote starting since this wire is only an activation wire when the the evo is in standalone mode. (see first comment above)

3xlock is not available on this vehicle since the lock codes are not on the vehicle's can bus where we would normally detect them

Any telematics devices will need to be connected to the 3rd party remote starter unit.


Thank you,
répondu Avr 24, 2017 par J M (64,170 points)
Thank for your prompt response.
So I am a little confused now cause I saw on the internet some people that has start their Renault Megane engine using fortin product and pushing 3x lock button.
EVO-ONE is more suitable for my car or do you have a full manual transmission remote starter ?
I want to make this functional on my car.
So, what products do I need or you recomand me, to make this functional and start my engine remotely?
Thank you.
please post the link to the videos you speak of, so that we can take a look at what is being installed.

Thank you,
It was on a Russian website, if I remember correctly... I will search again, but it is also possible to have misinterpreted.
So which products (kits) do I need or do you recommend me, to start my engine remotely?  (witch is suitable for my car)
Cause I don't want to buy something wrong.
What country are you in?
I am from Romania.

My car is: Renault Megane 3 with key-card, 2013, Diesel 6+1 Manual gearbox, keyless-entry, keyless-go.

My target is to start / stop my engine with OEM remote or with rf remote or by mobile.

I've seen too many articles and videos and misinterpreted.
There is no video with Renault Megane 3, 3x lock press to start engine. I apologize.
I have looked at the documentation more closely and it seems that the most suitable product for my car is the EVO-ONE + one RF kit.
In my country, all remote start sistems that I found, must have a key somewhere in the car and other inconvenience and I don't like this. I like more your solution that decrypt and simulate the presence of key.
So I'm thinking of buying:
1 pc. FLASH-LINK UPDATER (for decrypting my key-card and configure EVO-ONE)
Can I make the engine's remote starter system work with these products, or I need something more?
Would you recommend something else to me?
I wait for your support.
Thanks, Angel.
We are inquiring on who and where you should purchase your system to be able to get proper support in the event that your installer encounters an issue as this is a european model that was never available in North America.


We will post the information as soon as it is available.


Thank you,