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Evo-ALL + 2002 Toyota Sienna bypass wont program

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I am attemping to install a ProStart 2-Way LCD Remote Starter, 6-Button onto a Toyota Sienna 2002 with Fortin EVO-ALL bypass module. I have made all the necessary connections to the remote starter, programmed successfully; doors, locking, unlock worked. Now I believe, my problem lies within the EVO-ALL bypass. I followed this guide: (connection 2, program 1) posted on the fortin website. When I went to program the bypass module it stayed at the red solid LED and would not flash red rapidly for 10 secs. My questions are:

1. The remote starter in the mode 4 function 4, it has 3 options: 1- way ADS (D2D), 2-way XpressKIT (D2D) and 1-way Fortin(D2D). So now, which one should I select? . I've try using 1-way D2D mode in the remote starter and hardwiring the bypass data link wires (red to +12V and black to ground(-)) and still doesn't programmed. I also tried switching the option to 2-way XpressKIT, bypass wont program.

2. Following the above question, would I need to use a flash link manager to change my Fortin bypass to Fortin2 (2-way D2D)? Is this an option?

3. The guide doesn't state that this vehicle need to connect the 5 pin CAN BUS connector. Am I correct?

4. What can I possibly do to resolve this?


posté Jan 9, 2017 dans la catégorie Toyota par Vuong Dinh (180 points)

1 Réponse

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What is the service number to the module?
répondu Jan 9, 2017 par derek g (357,480 points)
élue Jan 16, 2017 par Vuong Dinh
Fortin Evo-ALL
Service # 001A06 581831
Hardware Vr. 6
Firmware Vr. 4.18
Model # CT4311TW Version: H7.0 V6.2
The unit is currently set up for a 2016 Nissan pathfinder push-to-start.

This can be seen here:


Please flash the correct firmware into the module and select the proper year make and model
ok thank you very much, waiting for the flash link updater to arrive then will get back to you
Thank you so much derek bypass programmed and is working.  You are a life saver!

Glad to have ppl like you to help us, much is appreciated
Happy to help!