Questions & Answers

2003 Mazda Tribute

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In regards to the wire guide for the 2003 Mazda Tribute, it says the CAN wires are black and white. There are no black and white wires on the ODBII connector.  

In regards to Regular Installation  the instal guide says to use the gray/orange at pin 3 and violet/orange at pin 11, but there are no wires of that color AND no wires at pin 3 and 11.  The other Mazda makes say to use pins 6 and 14 (no colors listed) but there are no wires there either. My service manual shows connections on ODBII for J1850 at 2 and 10, but that didn't work.

Without the CAN connections I can not use the factory remotes, which the guide says I can use.  

Looking at the 2003 Ford Escape Regular Installation w/o Can-Bus (same car with Ford name) it shows that I cannot use the factory remote and that there is no CAN connections to be made.  

Also, the Mazda instal guide shows cutting some "driver door trigger" wire that is not identified anywhere. The Escape guide does not show doing this.  Since the Escape guide recognized the absence of the CAN connections, I followed that one and bought an RF kit to use with it.  Everything works exactly as I had hoped (except for not using factory remotes).

I am posting this for anyone else who is trying to instal the EVO-ONE in a 2007 or earlier Tribute, so they don't waste a day trying to track down connections that don't exist or don't work.

I didn't see anywhere to post this on, if there is please post this there.


posté Jan 1, 2017 dans la catégorie Mazda par Matt Klister (190 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
What is the complete vin number to your truck, I want to check a few things to make sure this is the right solution for you.
répondu Jan 4, 2017 par derek g (359,100 points)