Questions & Answers

2016 toyota land cruiser

0 votes
In my manager is not present in the list of LC200 after 2015. I chose the firmware 2015, and used the scheme from 2016. Everything OK, so after remote start is not lit parking lights. Then I disconnected the wire from the A20 (light blue), and connected it to the brown-white (A14). Parking lights switches on. Why in the circuit connected to the A20?
posté Dec 22, 2016 dans la catégorie Toyota par G M (16,320 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

The guide shows to connect A14 for parking light.... where do you see A20?
répondu Dec 22, 2016 par G M (85,210 points)
You should contact Fortin Russia regarding this guide.