Questions & Answers

What Extra wires no need to be connected (Mandatory)? FORD EDGE 2013

0 votes


posté Dec 12, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Francisco Ribeiro (130 points)

3 Réponses

+1 vote
A lot of the extra wires are optional, not needed, or for manual wiring. For example, a lot of cars don't need the door locks manually wired because door locks can be controlled through OBD2 wires...but you could manually wire them still. If you don't, then you'd have extra wires....


Do you have the flash link programmer? You need to enable the 3x lock feature and OEM remote monitoring in order to get that feature working.
répondu Dec 13, 2016 par Bill W (1,850 points)
Oh NO. I do not have the programmer. The unit suposed to come already programmed, no?..

So , yesterday I checked all cables again. I am now with those 3 pins for the 20 pin connected (Blue, Light Blue and Yellow/black) and those Can High / LOW. I am able to go trought the programm as shown in some internet videos and fortin doc. ( key1, 3sec, key2, 3 sec, Key 1, bue light, them orange solid).. when I take the key out, all leds goes off and pressing 3x lock, nothing!.. junst the sound of locking and horn as usual.
0 votes
Yellow/Black from t-harness is connected to Yellow wire on the t-harness (pin A1)


Yellow from t-harness is not used.

Please provide us the 12 digit service number on the bottom of the actual unit so we can check the firmware and options enabled.


Thank you.
répondu Dec 13, 2016 par J M (64,170 points)
Yes.. I connected Yellow/black to Yellow.

Oh.. give me 1h from now and I will get the code.

Thanks Jesus !

This is the back of the device

0 votes
With the 001a06623444 service number, i dont see the 3x lock start options enabled.

You can see this here, no options are visible at all:


To confirm this, as it's possible the options were enabled using a means that wouldnt update our unit status, take the dark blue wire from the 20-pin connector (pin A8) and ground it. Does the RED LED turn on when you do this?
répondu Dec 13, 2016 par Robert T (304,910 points)
Yes, When I gound the pin A8 ( dark Blue) the device goes to red led and car turn on but does not crank. I mean, All lights goes on, painel lighs, open door beeps, ( as happens when you insert the key and turn to on position).

But pressing 3x lock, nothing happens too.

Was it means ?. is there something I can do to fix my issue?


Red LED turning On when grounding the Dark Blue wire means that the 3xlock feature is not enabled.


Option C1 and D1 need to be enabled. Flash-Link Updater required for this part.

Option C1 enabled monitoring of the OEM remote

Option D1 converts the EVO-ALL bypass module into a remote starter
Ok Robert,


I am buying a flash programmer now and as soos as it arrives, I will try to configure !


Thanks Much !
Same problem. 2013 Ford Edge evo 1 w/T harness.

unit service # 001a06683914.

In the above comment you say C1 and D1 "need to be enabled"

Looks like they are enabled to me when you click on the link?