Questions & Answers

Is there a benefit to purchasing an Evo-One over an Evo-All?

0 votes
2011 Ford Fiesta - Not equipped with remote start from factory.

I'm having some confusion with my choice on what to purchase. One dealer says that "The EVO-ALL is an integration module that connects to the remote start that allows it to talk to the vehicle to allow it to start."

Would that imply that I would need an Evo-One with the hi-current inputs in order to remote start this vehicle?

Also, if the Evo-All is adequate for my application would there be any reason that I would want an Evo-One over the Evo-All?
posté Dec 8, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Joshua Anderson (410 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
evo-all = bypass and low current solution (in some cases).

evo-one = bypass and high current remote starter and alarm module compatible with almost any vehicle listed on our website.

What it boils down to are what you want out of the module for your installation.
répondu Dec 8, 2016 par derek g (357,530 points)
élue Dec 8, 2016 par Joshua Anderson