Questions & Answers

2008 Escape won't shut off

0 votes
Installed an EVO FORT1 with harness in my son's 2008 Escape as a stand alone and everything works perfect except it won't shut off when depressing the brake pedal or turning the key to the off position, you must turn it off by using the key fob? Rechecked the options menu and everything appears to be correct.
posté Dec 6, 2016 dans la catégorie Ford par Don White (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Service number when you have the time...

Also if you press and hold the brake does it shut down?
répondu Dec 6, 2016 par derek g (359,100 points)
No holding the brake has no effect.
Service number when you have the time...

Also complete vin number to the vehicle as well.

001A06 622767

Sorry for the delay but the car is 350 miles from me.
Still waiting for a reponse.......
Next what I need you to do is test the black wire on the 20 pin connecotr.

Does this wire output when you press the brake pedal?