Questions & Answers

evo-all on 2015 sprinter

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I recently installed an evo-all in a 2015 MB sprinter. Wired D2D to a viper alarm. I flashed the latest firmware and the evo wouold program but locks/door triggers were not working so i rolled back the firmware to a previous one and got everything working. Customer called a said his door locks were intermitment sometimes, any ideas?
posté Oct 18, 2016 dans la catégorie Mercedes-Benz par Ultra Auto Sound (4,920 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
First thing to do is confirm the customer complaint. Have the vehicle and make it do what they are saying.

Intermittent sounds like a data link problem. Simple test is to ground purple/purple& white and see if the truck always locks or unlocks. If yes I would suggest trying the suggestion below.

Fastest and easiest solution...wire the viper's lock/unlock outputs to the evo-all lock/unlock inputs.
répondu Oct 18, 2016 par derek g (359,300 points)
i agree, will have to get the vehicle in to test and see. I do remeber now i had to hardwire the inputs, not through was just a basic alarm so it didnt have a data port