Questions & Answers

Evo-All reseting itself -- and options

0 votes

This is the same vehicle -- 2015 Corolla S. I have an Evo-All + Prestige APS-57E. Recently the client took the vehicle to the dealer and the battery was disconnected. After which the remote start no longer worked. I took a look under the dash and the Evo-All's red LED was constantly on. Trying to reset it didn't work as the red LED was always on.


I then connected the Evo to the Fortin program and upon selecting the "Evo-All Options" tab, Setting protection was turned ON (which I never did nor ever use) and once I turned that off to see the current settings, some options I had never selected where turned ON. Specifically, A1 --> A11 where now OFF and D2 --> E2 where now ON, as well as G3, G4, & H2.


Also, with out making any changes to the Evo-All nor flashing it, once I disconnected it from the Fortin program and went back to the vehicle to attempt a reset, the reset worked fine and the red LED wasn't constantly ON.


Any help appreciated. 

posté Sept 5, 2016 dans la catégorie Toyota par James G. (340 points)
modifié Sept 6, 2016 par James G.

1 Réponse

+2 votes
Once programmed the evo keeps it's settings, UNLESS a voltage spike was encountered (as happens when the vehicle's battery is changed, that spark you see when re-connecting the terminals) Or a severe voltage drop, (dead battery, which is possbly the reason the battery was changed afterwards)

reflash unit and re test to see if all saved options stay saved.

p.s. garages momentarily connecting the replacement battery backwards also can cause havoc to the evo all's internal circuits.
répondu Sept 6, 2016 par J M (64,270 points)
Reflashing it worked. Just hope it doen't happen again anytime soon.