Questions & Answers

evo start for DEI

+1 vote
Wondering if the EVO-Start will work with any DEI products or is it only for EVO products currently ?
posté Aout 30, 2016 dans la catégorie FAQ par Ultra Auto Sound (4,920 points)

1 Réponse

+3 votes
Meilleure réponse
The Evo Start has been tested and is 100% compatible with Fortin Evo-One and Evo-All, runtime and temperature statuses are supported.

As for other brands, the Evo-Start does have 5 different protocols  but we cannot guarantee 100% compatibility with other brands. not all features maybe supported.

We recommend using the Evo-One and Evo-All for the simply reason that if you do use another brand, we will be limited on how we will be able to help you troubleshoot any issues if they may arise with another brand of remote starter since we do not know the limitations of the other manufacturer's products.
répondu Aout 31, 2016 par J M (64,170 points)
élue Aout 31, 2016 par derek g
Evo Start "should" work fine with DEI units.


When flashing your DEI system, select "MY START" as the protocol. (Assuming using DBALL2 RSR/RXT or 4x10/5x10 installs. Full brain installs, I can't comment on.  )
okay, thats what i was thinking. and was curious as it would use the data port which would be occupied by the bypass module.
if i am using it with a 4x10/5x10 , is it mandatory to use fortin remote/antenna or is that optional and disregard the antenna connection?
Unfortunately, this is the type of questions I mentioned we would be unable to answer with certainty, since as I 've mentioned before, we tested the evo-start with our evo-all and evo-one and not every other remote starter on the market.
RF kit is optional. And I don't think you can get the Fortin RF to work on a 4X10/5X10. (You can skip RF during flashing)


But they support MyStart, and I am pretty certain that Evo Start and My Start are the same thing.

So if you are looking for 3-lock-start and Evo-Start/My Start, It should work with 4X10. Of if you want RF, you will probably need DEI RF with that brain.

Just a note - I dont work for Fortin or DEI, However we use DEI brains with Fortin kits, or stand-alone EVO Alls.


And there is no coverage for Evo-Start/MyStart out west so I have never tried it personally.


As Jesus says, we are out of the realm of certainty here, but it would be nice to know if Evo Start is indeed MyStart since that is supported by DEI. I have to assume that "some day" coverage will come out west.
You can trigger most any DEI remote start with negative trigger inputs. This includes 4x10/5x10

However those dont have an analog lock/unlock input. If your locks are negative, you could probably just trigger them directly off the evo start. But you may not get arm/disarm of oem systems.

Depends on what your ultimate goal is.


What vehicle do you want to do this on? Or is this more of a broad / blanket question "in general"?
more of a broad question, tryin to get ahead for when i am installing. Had a customer inquire. but the evo start doesnt have any outputs, just power and then everything else is through data, no ?

There are no outputs for the EVO-START to control devices from an external source. Works wonderfully, in data, with all Fortin remote starters.

  • E400

This includes receiving temperature readings (on E400 and Evo-One!)
