Questions & Answers

I need ignishion bypass for my 2000 chevy veture and i have no keys or remote fob

0 votes
I have 0 keys or fob need ignishion bypass for my 2000 chevy venture? wich one will work?
posté Aout 5, 2016 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par eric olsen (180 points)

1 Réponse

+2 votes
Meilleure réponse
None, our units need a working immobilizer system and a vehicle key to program to the vehicle and is only for "remote-start"  use and not to fix/replace defective/intermittent OEM immobilizer systems.


Thank you,
répondu Aout 5, 2016 par J M (64,170 points)
élue Aout 5, 2016 par Robert T