Questions & Answers

EX-ONE fails programming

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2001 Infiti QX4

Bypass programming first 5 steps work as required.

Turn on the key red LED goes out. Then all three light and flash.

Verified all wiring to bypass to be correct.
posté Mar 29, 2016 dans la catégorie Bypass par KOZ (750 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
It sounds like you are losing ground, please verify that there is a good ground connection to the black wire in the main 6 pin harness.
répondu Mar 29, 2016 par J M (64,270 points)
Ground is very good.  The remote start portion works fine.
Try lowering the firmware to 4.18 and re programming the module.

Also what wire did you hook up the purple/yellow and to in the vehicle?
Pin 8 Data
what is the wire color?
I pushed the car. Don't remember the color.  But I tested the wires in the connector to locate the  12V, IGN and GND. They were exactly as the pin out in the maunal complete with the empty pins. So the wire I used for Data has to be correct.
Once you have checked let me know.

Can also try the 4.18 and programming see what happens.

here is the schematic if it helps any.
