Questions & Answers

D1.X Setting for 2014 Chrysler T&C Standalone with THAR-CHR4

0 votes
I'm using the Flasher-Link-2 with the Current manager software.  One of the setting for the 2014 Town & Country is the D1.[4-6) that seem to controller the max run time when the unit is in the stand alone mode.  There is no mention about enabling at least one of these in the install document.

The Question is if I leave them all off (D1.4 – D1.6) will this allow the engine to run indefinitely until I get in and touch the brake/Turn Key/3X Lock Button or Must I select One of them?
posté Fev 16, 2016 dans la catégorie Chrysler par Richard Taft (130 points)
modifié Fev 16, 2016 par Richard Taft

2 Réponses

+1 vote
Here is what those options are used for.

D1.1 : Some vehicles do not respond well on 3x Lock. This option enables pressing Lock-Unlock-Lock instead of 3xLock to start the vehicle.

D1.2 : Some techs do not like it when a remote start system attempts more than once to start the vehicle (in case it never started on first attempt). This option prevents a second attempt at remote start whent he first one failed.

D1.3 : Used only on Diesel vehicles.

D1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 : used to select runtime for remote start. Default is 15 minutes when no options are selected.


Max runtime is 15 minutes when set to gas and 30 minutes for diesel.
répondu Fev 16, 2016 par Robert T (305,380 points)
0 votes

The run time if none of them are selected is default 15 minutes.

If you enable diesel mode you can get a 30 minute run time. This is the maximum amount of time the remote starter will run.

The service number provided is not a valid service number.
répondu Fev 16, 2016 par derek g (359,100 points)