Questions & Answers

How can i start my 2007 Mazda Cx-7 without any OEM key using Evo-All and Crimestopper coolstart RS4-G5

+1 vote
My son lost my credit-card look-alike Mazda smart key. So now i have a Evo-all and a Crimestopper Coolstart SR4-G4 remote start but i dont know if its the right one. My issue is I can't go passed the instructions of turning the switch to the start position i cant move it. I need to know how to bypass the smart key.
posté Oct 27, 2015 dans la catégorie Mazda par Adalberto Zamora (140 points)

2 Réponses

+2 votes
Can I ask exactly what you are trying to acheive here, are you trying to install a remote starter OR trying to find a way to drive your vehicle without having a valid key on you?


Thank you
répondu Oct 27, 2015 par J M (64,270 points)
+2 votes
You can't program an EVOALL without having a valid key.

If your starter is already installed, you can't drive the car without a valid key.
répondu Oct 27, 2015 par J M (85,210 points)