Questions & Answers

How to program the EVO ONE with flashlink programmer without it failing or disconnecting.

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The EVO ONE I am trying to program starts the process then the green light goes out and it says fail to program unit disconnected even though it is plugged in.
posté Sept 9, 2015 dans la catégorie Other par Kurtis Mansfield (170 points)

1 Réponse

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Hi Kurtis,


Most of the time we see this happen is when the Flashlink-2 Updater is plugged into a laptop or a desktop that's a little old, the issue being older computers and laptops have the older usb ports that have problems providing the necessary amperage. When an Evo-One is connected, the flashlink updater senses this and asks the computer to up the power on the usb ports, you will notice that this never happens with an evo-all.


So you can either try another usb port, or if it's a desktop, to plug into the usb ports in the back of the computer right on the motherboard.
répondu Sept 9, 2015 par J M (64,270 points)
If you have issues connecting your evo to the flashlink AFTER you install it, pull the ground cable off your battery. I was able to program it in the house but when I tried to troubleshoot an issue it wouldn't connect. Did some searching and I didn't find any info stating that you need to disconnect the unit before you can flash it but I did find a comment where the guy couldn't get it to connect after he installed it but after removing it he was able to flash it. I didn't want to try unplugging all the plugs again so I just tried disconnecting the ground on my battery. After that I had no issues connecting to the unit with the flashlink.