Questions & Answers

Can I use a dual stage proximity sensor with the EVO ONE?

+1 vote
I have an EVO ONE installed in my 2010 Audi S5 and have successfully used it as a remote start and an alarm for some time now.  SInce it is a convertible, I decided I would like to add a proximity sensor.  I purchased an Omega AU-94TM dual zone radar sensor.  I have hooked up the 12V and the ground to the 3-pin connector on the EVO ONE.  And I have hooked up the external trigger to the middle wire on the EVO ONE 3-pin connector.  However, I can't seem to the proximity sensor to trigger the EVO ONE alarm even with the settings on the sensor set to maximum sensitivity.  Do I need to hook both the internal and external proximity sensors up to the EVO ONE 3-pin middle wire (with diodes to prevent feedback) for the dual stage sensor ro trigger an alarm?
posté Aout 10, 2015 dans la catégorie FAQ par Sean ONeill (290 points)

1 Réponse

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You may need diodes to isolate the signals; it would be more of a feedback protection for the Omega AU-94TM. Dual stage works with pulse length, short pulse is normally a warn away trigger while a longer pulse full trigger. The middle pin of the shock sensor input is what you should be connected to for dual stage trigger.

NOTE: If you have option 38-3 enabled, trigger input on the middle pin of the shock sensor port is canceled and used for other purposes, so make sure option 38-3 is not enabled. I doubt this is the case though because if it were, you would have mentionned that your vehicle tries to remote start when you trigger the proximity sensor :)
répondu Aout 10, 2015 par Robert T (305,380 points)

Besides for the quick install guide that came in the box with the EVO-ONE, there's no vehicle specific install guide for alarms, only remote starting.

Note that I have noticed that the parking lights do not come on after remote start is successful, which I would have expected.

Just like the horn, parking lights need to be connected. A lot of techs do not bother connecting parking lights on a lot of Audi/VW vehicles because it's more a pain than anything else.

However, when I tried to do the bypass master reset....  I pressed/held the valet switch for well over a minute after turning on the ignition and it never seemed to go into programming mode (no parking light flash or light on the EVO-ONE lighting up in any way).  So I was not able to do the bypass reset.

This ones easy. If the last command you sent was LOCK, then the module is technically ARMED and will not allow you to enter programming until it's disarmed.


Anyway, I think once you get that horn or siren connected, everything should fall into place. No need for all those tests and resets I wrote earlier.


One (hopefully) last question...  In the 2010 Audi S5, where is the connector for the horn's gray/yellow wire located?  I have looked everywhere under the driver's side of the dash and tested a few wires, but none seem to be the horn wire.  Is it on the footwell side?  Is it under the steering column cover?  Somewhere else?  Thanks!
I think the VESCM is part of or in back of that relay pack on the left side under the dash. Not sure though.

You can also just install an aftermarket siren instead of using the factory horn.
From what I can find online, the VESCM is the big black relay box on the driver's side underdash location. you should be looking for a black 32 pin connector with a gray/yellow on pin 29.
Ah, success. Hooking up the horn with a relay did the trick. Sounds 3 times when door is open and I try to arm it. And proximity sensor is responding as I would expect. Thanks for hanging in there with me. Your tech support is excellent!