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2015 Silverado Theft deterrent system with EVO ALL

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2015 SIlvrado 1500 /w Onstar Automatic Transmission

EVO ALL  stand alone installation without T Harness

I've tried both firmware version 70.16 and 70.17

I've triple checked all the wire connections and everything is correct as per the installation instructions. I complete the programming and process dcryptor data enabling options C1 and D1 as per instructions. When I return the module to the vehicle and attempt remote start (LOCK x3) The Theft Deterrent System notification comes up and the vehicle will not start. When I hold the key to the tumbler the vehicle will start however the Theft Deterrent System notification still appears.

I take this to mean that there is an issue with the dcryptor information so I'm wondering what I need to do.
posté Mai 18, 2015 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Steve Harris2 (180 points)

1 Réponse

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There are a couple of things you will need to check out.


1. VERY IMPORTANT, the IMMO Power connection, double check that you did cut and connect to the right wire. this is the wire that 99% of the people get wrong. It will learn and decrypt properly even with this wire connected improperly BUT will not start.  Best way to verify is to unplug the purple immobilizer connector from the ignition switch assembly and LOOK at the end of the connector where the wires come out.  There are 2 numbers embossed on the connector, there is a 1 and a 3.  You should be on the wire next to the 3.


2. If the above connection is correct, you can try the following,

répondu Mai 19, 2015 par J M (64,270 points)
élue Mai 19, 2015 par Steve Harris2
Thanks I'm not a 1% I guess!
Don't worry about it!  Like I said, it happens 99% of the time, I'd feel worst if 99% of the people got it right and I'm the 1% that got it wrong, lol


That's what we're here for, thank you for your support of Fortin products!
I'm having the same problem with my 2007 Chevy Avalanche. I have reset the box and reinstalled but I'm still getting the Service Theft Deterent flash on the info screen on my truck. Are there any special settings I have to change through the flash link on the computer?


Have you done the same tests that were described above?


Please provide service number of your unit.


I'll have to un-mount my Evo GMT4 and get you the service number this evening. But will I have to cut a wire on my ignition harness although I'm using the T-Harness for my truck?
No wires need to be cut if you are using a GMT4 T-harness, another possibility is that you may have blown the fuse for the Immobilizer, check all fuses in the engine bay and inside the cab for a small fuse, YES the vehicle will still start normally with this fuse being blown.


We will wait for you to post your service number.

Thank you.