Questions & Answers

Red LED does not flash during programming

0 votes
2011 Chevy Cruze

Flash updater available? YES

Installed an EV0-All before? YES, Chrysler 300, Easy install, worked great.

THAR-GMv2 Wiring Harness

EVO-ALL HW version 6

Tried both firmware version 4.18 & 70.13

Connections made to EVO:

 - red plug connector from GMv2 harness (6 wires)

 - black data plug connector from GMv2 harness (4 wires)

 - 5 pin white connector: 1 wire (brown) going to OBD2 port pin #1 (green wire)

 - 20 pin white connector: 1 wire (brown/white) going to parking light connector wire (green/grey)

THAR-GMv2 harness has been plugged in and seated firmly


I am stuck on step 4 of programming.  Once both red and yellow LED's turn on, I insert key and to run. I can't get the red LED to blink.  I have tried a master reset, reflash of evo with different firmware version and nothing.  Ithrough research i beleive the EVO is not detecting the ignition being turned on.  Is this correct?  What pin/connector can I test to confirm this?  I also read the harness i am using may be a v1 and not a v2.  Could this be?  It says THAR-GM1 on a stciker attavched to the harness and another stciker is hand written that says V2. I thought that was a little wierd for it to be hand written. How can I confirm this is a V2?

Thanks for any input,

posté Avr 19, 2015 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Chris H (260 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

To check for ignition, please test Pin 1 of the 20 pin harness of the Evo-All, it should be a Yellow wire that tests 12v positive when the ignition key is turned to the ON/IGN position.

If there is 12v present on Pin 1 and you are still having issues, I would check the OEM fuse for the Immobilizer system, if the immobilizer and ignition connectors are not connected as it is shown in the guide you could blow the IMMO fuse. Vehicle will still start normally with this fuse blown but will not program.

STEP 1. Disconnect Ignition connector from vehicle FIRST and connect T-harness Ignition connectors


STEP 2. Disconnect IMMO connector from vehicle and connect T-harness IMMO connectors

répondu Avr 20, 2015 par J M (64,270 points)