Questions & Answers

2008 Altima Problems with unlock.

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Installed an Evo-All in a 2008 Altima as a stand alone remote start with a FT-D100 RF kit.  It is programmed On for "Unlock driver door only." The issue I am having is that when you press the unlock button once, the lights blink but the driver door does not unlock. Press the button again and the lights blink and all the doors unlock.
posté Mar 22, 2015 dans la catégorie Nissan par Jim (850 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Could you please provide us with guide number and connection number you used for this installation.

 Try turning OFF options B2 and B3 and test again.

répondu Mar 23, 2015 par J M (64,270 points)
I used guide 12661.  I have tried it with B2 off and B3 on, B2 on and B3off, and B2 off, B3 off.  They all give me the same result.
Okay, if turning off B2 and B3 doesn't help, then the vehicle does not let us control the doorlocks OEM style, I just checked on our website and it's not a supported feature.
Where did you find the information that this is not a supported feature on your website.  The guides, both 12651 and 12661, show that lock/unlock is supported.  Is there someplace else I should look for supported feature information?

door locks are controlled by physical wiring and not through Can-Bus on most Nissan/Infiniti vehicles. "Unlock Driver Door Only", will not work in this setup (this is the feature he meant not being listed as supported).


Then you might want to update your web page.

no idea why it's still showing up there. It's not tagged as compatible for those vehicles, i'll have the server cache reset tomorrow.
