Questions & Answers

Termination needed for just remote start?

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Hello I am hooking this up to two of the same year vehicles. ...  Product EVO-NIST1

2011 Infiniti M37

2011 Infiniti QX56

As far as i can see from the directions there is only 3 terminations other than the T harness. Am I reading this right? I want to retain all other fetures of the factory alarm systems and use my existing key fob and just use this as a remote start.

In the instructions it says to Turn the RF Kit ON in the flash link manager. I dont have one.  I plan on using the OEM fob and range. Do I leave this feature OFF?

Also there are a few spots on the BCM that are empty (according to the schimatic) what do i use to insert the wire into an empty pin in the harnes. Do the wires come with anything on it like a female adapter or do i have to crimp on on and insert it into the harness. If so where do i get them?


Sorry for the winded questions...


posté Fev 11, 2015 dans la catégorie Infiniti par Adam Clark (160 points)

1 Réponse

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You actually have 5 wires to connect, White/black (push to start), Door Pin (Pink/Black), Parking lights (Brown from t-harness). Lock and Unlock (Green and White). and Hood Pin (Dk Blue) if you want to install a hood switch.


The Hood pin and parking lights are optional, as is the door pin (unless you like to leave your lightswitch on AUTO). Lock and Unlock wires are also optional when using a RF kit.


If you are planning to use the factory key fob, you do not need to turn on RF kits. You will have to to turn on options C1 and D1 to ON.


The wires that go in the empty spots on the bcm plug just need to be stripped at the ends and pushed through the empty pin spot until you see a little bit poke out the other end, then carefully bend it back over the side of the plug (away from the other pins) and carefully re-plug the connector into the bcm.


And please flash to the latest firmware released.

répondu Fev 11, 2015 par J M (64,170 points)
modifié Fev 11, 2015 par J M
PTS wire white/black

What does this mean?    (unless you like to leave your lightswitch on AUTO)


I do leave the light switch in AUTO. So i have to wire up the other wires? Door pin/Parking Lights?and Hood Pin? 


Also Is the parking light output just so it will flash? The vehicle already does this. So i have to hook it up or not? 


Sorry to be a pain. Thanks 

Yes, that is what I said, White/Black (push to start). This has to be connected.


If you leave your lights on AUTO, you can hook up Door pin wire (Pink/Black) to shut down Autolights when the remote starter shuts off.


Parking light wire (Brown) is to give you visual confirmation that the vehicle is running, locking, etc.

Hood pin connection is recommended for safety reasons, vehicle will not start when hood is open (for mechanics or yourself  working on vehicle while hood is open)