Questions & Answers

BMW E90 with Evo All and Viper 3305V

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I have installed Viper responder 3305V with the Evo-All W2W successfully on my BMW E90, but I noticed that when the alarm triggers, the flashers are not blinking! Although they do blink when I open & close the doors using the Viper remote.

The viper has a flasher signal wire, but it is not connected to the Evo-All. should it be connected? which pin? If not, how can I make the flashers blink when the alarm triggers?
posté Jan 23, 2015 dans la catégorie BMW par Mohammad Shabsough2 (280 points)
re-tagguée Jan 23, 2015 par Robert T

1 Réponse

+2 votes
Meilleure réponse
The Vehicle parking lights are not controlled by the Evo-All, the parking light flashes you lock and unlock right now is due to the OEM alarm system arming and disarming.

The Viper will control parking light flashes through it's Parking Light output wire.

Please have a professional installer from a reputable shop make the parking light connections in your vehicle to avoid damaging anything.
répondu Jan 23, 2015 par J M (64,170 points)
élue Jan 23, 2015 par Robert T