Questions & Answers

Remote start works but keyless entry doesnt

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I have a 2012 Toyota fj cruiser. I installed with t-harness and flashed with the lastest firmware for the evo one. I used a compustar rf kit and followed the correct guide. Vehicle remote starts fine but the keyless entry doesnt work. I can here the unit clicking like its sending a signal but the doors dont unlock or lock. Is there additional wires i need to hook up in order for door locks to work and for the horn to sound when unit alarms. Factory key fob works when car is not on but not when car is on. Compustar fob doesnt work for door locks at all but does for remote start.
posté Jan 12, 2015 dans la catégorie Toyota par pheng yang2 (240 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
You will need to connect to the doorlocks and arm and disarm wires in the driver's kickpanel, please use the WireColor access card that came with your Evo One to log on to Wirecolor and see the location and wire colors for those wires.

The Evo One will only do Transponder bypass, Tachometer and Foot brake signal in that particular vehicle.
répondu Jan 12, 2015 par J M (64,270 points)
élue Jan 12, 2015 par Robert T