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2013 Dart manual transmission ready mode do not execute properly

+1 vote
Auto Start remote starter , the costumer complains it will not enter ready mode unless all passenger has left the car and then they make the sequence for ready mode.

In other word, if they have car running , with key in their hand and all together or almost everyone exit the car, then when all doors are closed ( I hope ) they click " lock " the car shuts down but will not remote start.

What I undurstand it seems if more than one door is being operated during the ready mode execution , it seems to react like if someone had open the door after the completion of ready mode.

Is this nature of the beast ? Or could bypass send multiple door status pulse to the remote box  and jinx the sequence. ?

I know this is a tricky question and to make things worst I haven't install this.
posté Nov 21, 2014 dans la catégorie Dodge par Marc Voyer (920 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
manual sequence checks for last door closed, technically. So, if passengers went out after he activated reservation mode, then he got out the car, the fact he opened his door will cancel the sequence i beleive

So, driver opens door, passengers open their doors to get out. Passengers close their doors, driver closes his door, then push the lock button. If the passengers went out of the car and closed their doors, then the driver opened his door and got out, the fact that a door was opened after the last passenger door was closed, will cancel the reservation mode.

No module knows which door is which, door status = status of all doors.

If you didn't bring the car in yet, check for yourself what exactly is going. It may just be the client does not understand the reservation procedure.
répondu Nov 21, 2014 par Robert T (305,380 points)
I will make the proof of things . Thanks for the diagnostic " flow chart" like hint.

Will keep you posted.
0 votes
First guess is that door triggers have been connected to the car and not to the EVOALL.... but for sure you have to dig into the install
répondu Nov 21, 2014 par Marc Voyer (85,210 points)
Sorry for delay .  After testing many ways to open and close doors , we found that driver s door needed to be close last. Educated customer all is good .