Questions & Answers

Dead unit or gremlins?

0 votes
2004 Suburban LT

Evo-One with Fortin 4 button 1 way remotes.

Reset the unit several times. Here's some more interesting info...the valet button doesn't do anything. I've replaced the valet button as well as just touched the wires together and still nothing. So doing a complete 23 reset is not possible.

Today I figured I would rewire the 6 pin harness, to eliminate the t connectors. No change.

It goes thru the start sequence, clicks once and then just like the key was turned off. It will act like it does a remote take over as well. When running, if I press to "leave" the vehicle but have it stay running, it clicks like it's ready. As soon as I turn the key it shuts down. It's getting cold and dark and I have maybe a few hours on weekends to try to figure this all out.

I have uploaded a video on YouTube.
posté Dec 9, 2024 dans la catégorie Chevrolet par Jeff Cates (320 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

Try disconnecting your brake wire from the evo-one and re testing. I've seen a fair amount of GM's from this generation do weird things because of some feedback voltage coming from the brake switch.

Best regards.
répondu Dec 9, 2024 par derek g (359,100 points)
Replaced brake switch. Tested old one and it was fine. Pulled wire off, still does the same thing. Pulled the wire from OBD, same thing. Only other wires are lights and horn.
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