Questions & Answers

evo one lte aux functions

0 votes
Hi i have evo one lte installed in my 2014 Honda Accord pts, there's 4 functions aux1, aux2, aux5, aux6, showing up. May i know what those are functions are for, i tried one by one but nothing worked. Couldn't find anything about it in manuals.
posté Nov 18, 2024 dans la catégorie Honda par Gursewak Singh (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

On this vehicle they serve no purpose.

On some vehicles it will support aux functions through data, such as heated steering wheel etc, this is not the case for a 2014 accord.

Best regards.
répondu Nov 18, 2024 par derek g (359,100 points)
Is there any way i can use defroster on any of these aux functions or some other way. In here , its not fully ready to go as the side mirrors and rear windshield remain frosty untill defroster is manually turned on inside car.

If not used for anything else, the EVO-ONE yellow/black wire is a trunk/aux1 (-)output. 

To program it as an AUX1 output, you need to enable option 25. It can be programmed for latched or a pulsed output.


This can then be wired to trigger your defrost switch. Unfortunately, I do not have the wiring information for the defrost and if it is a (+) or (-) signal, and if requires a latch or pulse signal. 

